June's Bag Credit earnings are going to UNICEF-Children of Ukraine - here's a bit about it...

This month's bag credit earnings are being donated to UNICEF-children of Ukraine

“As Ukraine declared a nationwide state of emergency on Thursday, UNICEF appealed to all warring parties to allow full humanitarian access to families and children who have long suffered the adverse effects of the protracted conflict in the country — and whose lives and well-being are now under even greater threat.”

"‘Heavy weapons fire along the line of contact has already damaged critical water infrastructure and education facilities in recent days,’ UNICEF Executive Director Catherine M. Russell said in a Feb. 24 statement. ‘Unless the fighting subsides, tens of thousands of families could be displaced, dramatically escalating humanitarian needs.’ "

“Fighting has taken an increasingly heavy toll on Ukraine's civilian population — including 510,000 children”

“UNICEF has been working nonstop in eastern Ukraine, delivering lifesaving programs for affected children and families as fighting has taken an increasingly heavy toll on the civilian population of 3.4 million people — including 510,000 children — living in the Donbas region.”

-Maryanne Buechner via UNICEF

Here at Mana our hearts are going out to Ukraine and want to do anything we can to help. We are proud to be a one-of-a-kind, family owned and operated business. We believe that it's our responsibility to promote environmentally friendly practices, and to give back to our community and world at large. We also believe that we're all one family, and our bag credit program is designed to support those in crisis, education, the environment, and our extended ʻOhana. 

The Mana Foods bag credit program...

Every month Mana Foods donates to a different organization. It’s really easy to participate: whenever you bring your own grocery bag (any kind of bag) to Mana Foods, you receive a bag credit. You can donate this or take it off your bill.

Our hearts go out to Ukraine, especially the children who are suffering so much at this time. We are hoping that this months bag credit earnings can offer a little help to UNICEF’s efforts to bring some relief. Help us be part of this effort by bringing a bag when you shop!