Things I overheard at Mana, and so glad I did ... "The store that hugs you back!"

"The store that hugs you back!"

From all of us at Mana we wish you a very happy Thanksgiving full of endless laughter! And, on that note here's the 5th addition to the blog series "Things I Overheard at Mana, and So Glad I Did."

Some of you may have noticed that Mana Foods can get a bit crowded at times. The grocery store aisle traffic jam is a real thing that on any other day except this one would have left me feeling at least slightly frazzled. But, on this particular day something special happened that made each crowded moment a nonissue.

The right place at the right time put me directly within earshot of a conversation between two Mana Foods' customers who were brainstorming potential solutions to the grocery aisle traffic jam dilemma. And, the winning answer clearly was... 

"Mana Foods should have a separate room designated just for hugging" 

A room for hugging, how perfect! Very long hugs, a common occurrence amongst Mana Foods customers, could take place in their very own special room which would eliminate quite a bit of buildup in the aisles.

Upon hearing this I was once again reminded that I should always pay close attention to the seemingly mundane moments in life, and more often than not a gem will surface for the taking.
